N4N Conducts New Survey: May 22 - June 2, 2023
N4N is actively monitoring the city SVTR program since the vote on Measure A. Our desire is to assure the City Council honors their 2022 campaign commitment of “no new” STVR permits in residential neighborhoods by keeping the current Ordinance 3.25.055 ban in place and making it permanent.
The La Quinta city staff prepares quarterly reviews for city council (and the public) that tracks the STVR program’s characteristics, compliance and enforcement. This information is reviewed during city council study sessions, published on the City’s website (see most recent study session report here. begins on slide 63), and is used to consider any proposed changes to the STVR program.
N4N participates in LaQuinta City Staff Outreach
The city staff initiated a community outreach to receive comments on the programs performance and to provide input on any proposed changes to existing ordinance. N4N meets with city staff to provide commentary on how well the STVR program is working. N4N was a proponent of YES on Measure A.
N4N conducts a targeted survey of residents living in proximity to STVRs
To aid the City Council and staff’s consideration of code enhancements, N4N surveyed residents in December 2020 to develop a baseline database for STVR created problems and resident participation in the city’s Hot Line enforcement program. This data was provided to the City Council and staff on January 5, 2021, as part of N4N’s document entitled “Vision for La Quinta”.
New 2023 Survey
To assist the city in evaluating the effectiveness of the Hot Line program and identify potential improvements to the program, a new survey of residents living near STVRs in non-exempt residential communities was conducted between May 22 and June 2, 2023.
The 2023 survey targeted residents living in proximity to Short-Term Vacation Rentals (STVRs) to make year over year comparisons, quantify changes and improvements and to augment the data collected & reviewed by the city staff. After consulting with city staff and accepting their input, the new survey is designated to:
Seek comments & experiences of residents
Identify area of improvements to the current program’s rules & regulations
Inform residents of, and evaluate the 24/7 STVR hotline
The survey was sent out 05/22/2023 by email to residents who's home is in proximity to an STVR within the non-exempt communities. Results are available as of 07/25/2023.
We urge supporters to visit the N4N website for updates and to post your opinions and experiences with the current STVR program.
Your Neighbors for Neighborhoods of La Quinta Team.
Table of Contents
Recent Posts
Short-Term Ban narrowly fails in La Quinta. What Next?
Why I finally decided to put up a YES on A sign
Palm Springs pauses decision to decide on STVR new permits
Expedia helps pay for fight against La Quinta Measure A, fueling fundraising gap
Palm Springs City Council may forbid new short-term rental permits with temporary moratorium
Cat City experience should guide LaQuinta Residents Vote YES on A
La Quinta City Council considers amendments to STVR Program
At the February 21 regular meeting, Council received an update on the STVR program comparing 2021 to 2022; and public comments from representatives in support and in opposition to the permanent ban on new STVR permits. Based on these representations, city staff presented in March potential amendments to Chapter 3.25 of the LQMC for Council to consider.

N4N supports both of these proposed Code Amendments
Provision requiring 4/5 majority vote to reverse the ban on "new STVR permits" aligns with the representations made by opponents of Measure A (LQ City Council). This provision signals Council's commitment to STVR attrition in residential neighborhoods, which is both badly needed and was promised to residents either way.
Homeshare STVRs, where the owner lives on property during time of rental, is shown to be supported by both opponents & supporters of Measure A and was unfairly caught up in in the defeat of Measure A.
City Council discusses proposed amendments May 16, 2023

"The reason the 4/5 vote proposal arose is because Measure A was so close. The community was so divided [by the campaign on Measure A], it was imperative to bring the community back together by affirming the City will stick to its campaign promises." Councilwoman Fitzpatrick argued. [The people who voted] "NO, knew that the ban was in place and that we were going to keep it."
Councilman Fitzpatrick, Council Meeting - May 15, 2023
24/7 STVR Complaint Hotline - (760) 777-7157
Residents are encouraged to use the 24/7 STVR Hotline to resolve code violations committed by renters
The Hotline is manned 24/7 and will often provide a response within 30 minutes
Call Response Flowchart - provided by ​La Quinta Code Enforcement Department

Measure A Election Results, November 8, 2022

Thank You to our Volunteers​!
We wish to thank you, the many concerned residents, who supported us on Measure A in 2022. To those of you that gathered petition signatures; to those of you that donated to La Quinta Residents YES on A; to those of you that endorsed YES on A; and to those that canvassed neighborhoods in person or by phone. Many Thanks! Throughout this campaign we gathered over 3,600 petition signatures and received over 7,400 votes for Measure A. We thank you for all your support. We couldn’t have gotten this far without you!
Your Neighbors for Neighborhoods of La Quinta Team.