Don Adolph former Mayor of La Quinta PGA West
Gary Tomak former Desert Sands Unified School District School Board member PGA West
Kay Wolff Community leader and City Founder Cove
Linda Williams former member of Historic Preservation Commission and President of LQ Historical Society Cove
Paul and Dori Quill former Planning and Community Service Commissioners Yucatan
Tricia Pearce DSUSD School Board Trustee, Area 3, La Quinta
John Guerrini Laguna De La Paz - President
Jackie Boylan and Alex Rechtorik LQ Realtors Cove
Marty Butler LQ Realtor North La Quinta
Barb Butler Cove
Judy Carey Cove
Dr. Timothy and Patti Denman Citrus
Dianne Franco Cove
Rosemary Genovese Laguna De La Paz
Shelley Glickstein Rancho La Quinta
Trice and Patrick Healy Cove
Chip Hilliard Citrus
Dan and Edie Hylton Cove
Cameron and Neeta Quinn Del Oro
Mario Sewell Cove
Dick and Jan Storbo Cove
Mishael and Craig Patton Cove
Nancy and David Salvatierri Retired Educators Cove
Jeff and Val Smith Retired Educators Cove
Philip Williams Cove
Philip Drucker Dean of California Desert Trial Academy College of Law and Academic Dean and Professor of Constitutional Law
Rod McQuire Cove
Edward Armendarez and Toby Browning Cove
Autumn and Rasheed Diaz Educators Miraflores
Sheree Wahl Cove
Christen Smith Educator Cove
Steve Bartow and Julie McMahon Rancho Santana
Dr. Roger and Diane Greenberg Rancho Santana
Robert and Mercedes Courting Cove
Rod and Cindy Stout LQ Fairways
Donald and Connie Nimis PGAWest
Richard Vershure PGAW, La Quinta
Barb Montavon PGAW
Marie Thompson Cove
Ergun Bakall PGAW
Chuck Heard The Quarry
Jim Yaple Cove
Nancy Blackmore PGAW
Jeffrey Long PGAW, Stadium Residential
Jean Smith Cove
Mariel Swann Cove
Paul Spitzer PGAW
Scott & Harriet Rosen PGAW Norman Residential
Susan Vaughn Cove
Terry Pracht PGAW
Frank Walker Indian Springs Neighborhood
David R. Gross PGAW
Guy Chabot La Quinta Highlands
Suzanne Roth Andalusia
John Martin PGAW
Karen Duran Indian Springs Neighborhood
Kimberly Bartonsanchez Acacia
Anthony Laperuto PGA Resident
Carol Peyton PGA West Resident
Jim & Barbara Lambert PGA West Fairways
Christy Clark Estates at La Quinta
Janet Valenti Puerto Azul
Rick Vershure PGAW
Michael Dunham PGA West
T C Tseng PGA West
Silvya Manquero La Quinta Cove
Ron Fremont Trilogy La Quinta
Sandra Cridet Madero
Terri Butler PGAWest
Bette Kirk Pga west
Doug Millar La Quinta
Laurie Davis Monterra at PGA West
Bill Butler PGA West
Marissa Krause RN (2nd generation LQ Cove resident)
Martin Boylan Monticello
Derrick and Debbie Brown PGA WEST
Mark and Dianna Schmitz Financial Consultant PGA West
Marcia Millar PGA West
Michael Mattos PGA West
David Park PGA West
Cyndie Kather PGA West
Maria De Los Angeles Valencia La Quinta Cove
Richard Gray Vice-Chair Concerned Citizens of La Quinta (CCOLQ)
Lawrence Shane Greg Norman
Jan and Theresa Van Willigen PGAWEST
Geraldine Harmina PGAWEST
George Harmina PGAWEST
Terri Olsen La Quinta Cove
Rod McGuire The Cove
Sue Driscoll Real Estate Professional La Quinta Fairways
Karen Wayne PGAWest Norman
Steve & Susan Bottom PGAWest Norman
Lowell Bridge Point Happy
Terry and Patricia Pracht PGA West Masters SBA
Janet Cioffi-Kennedy La Quinta fairways
Charles Simpson Puerta Azul
Dan Rendino PGA West
Jody Shapiro & Annette Chester The Greg Norman Course at PGA West
Robert Morin Highland palms
James Carpenter Highland Palms
James Manke PGA Wedt
Linda Kraemer PGA West Resident
Jim Yaple La Quinta Cove
Hal Summers La Quinta Cove
Dave Heckman La Quinta Cove
Adrianne Duran La Quinta Cove
Mark “Ole” and Marde Olson PGA West
Judith Hoffman Highland Palms
Shelly O'Donnell Aurora
Marjorie Cohn PGAWest
David & Marcie Fazzone Home Owner, La Quinta
Juan and Maria Valencia La Quinta Cove
Esther Mocuta Home Owner in the Cove
Keith Marks Tradition
Rizzi La Quinta
Linda Copeland Mid La Quinta
Michael McGray PGAWest
Jerry and Nessa Perman PGAWest
Paul Raymond PGAWest
Nancy and David Salvatierra Long time valley educators
James Leal Full Time Resident PGA West
Cynthia Merry Greg Norman Estates
Walt and Janie Scheela PGAWest
Karen Altenbach La Quinta Cove
Carol Heeter PGAWest
Judith Hoffman La Quinta Cove
Hal Summers La Quinta Cove
Jim Yaple La Quinta Cove
Adam Miller La Quinta
Jerry Juhl Bajada Estates
Judith Neid Resident The Cove
Walter Malishka PGAWest
Oraldo Mojarro La Quinta Cove
Beth Brown PGA West Res II
Kristine Lovell Trilogy at La Quinta
Lyssa Vermillion Talante
Paul Franco Desert Pride, north LQ
Jeff and Cindy Burda PGA West
Brad Beland and Trish Kenton Full time resident La Quinta
Nancy Bianchi La Quinta Cove
Gary Dolenga Gary "The Sign Man" Dolenga
Karen Nener Puerto Azul
Donald Shoffstall PGA West
Shirley Bergeron PGAW
Patricia Pracht PGA WEST Fairways Resident
Loydene Lazich PGA West full time resident
Bill Lazich PGA West
Vivien The Cove
Judith Neid The Cove
Rod McGuire The Cove
Leslie Moritz Del Rey
David Moritz Del Rey
Jerry Mendoza Quinterra
Christopher Leahy Andalusia
Travis White PGA West
Robert Cote PGA West
Judith Schaefer PGA West
Jeff Hillebrand PGA West
Marvin & Stefanie Segal PGA West
Mariel Swann and John Spick La Quinta Cove
Craig and Marie Thompson The Cove
Tom Thomas PGA West
Sandra Minder Resident Trilogy La Quinta
Ern Peterson PGA West
Cynthia Roberts North La Quinta
Mike Ziskind Past Chair, Neighborhoods of Rancho Mirage
Phylicia Martellucci The Cove
Gail and Ken Merchant PGA West
Richard Gray Vice-Chair Concerned Citizens of La Quinta (CCOLQ)
Phylis Dolenga Retired CFO
Keith Whitaker PGA West
Joe & Sally Kirley PGAW
Terry Schubert PGA West Resident
Judith Laurence PGA WEST
Jeanne Wright PGA West
Christine Wisener N. La Quinta
John Wisener N. La Quinta
Tom Campagna Tradition La Quinta
David Gleason PGA West
Luis Miguel Cruz Bilingual educator
Michelle Altenbern Elementary Teacher, La Quinta Cove
Daniel Ma PGAWest
Bryan Usaacs PGA WEST
Linda Gunnett La Quinta Cove
Jason Myers Sonrisa
Carol Nolte PGA West Res 1
Elizabeth Harned Laguna de la Paz
Cindy Bell PGA WEST
David Benner PGA West, Greg Norman G.C.
Cindy Balasubramanian PGA west Stadium
Amy Moye Enclave
Lt.Col. Eden b’ebla La Quinta
Barbara Montavon PGA West
Kevin Foley PGA West
Francine Korda The Citrus
David Eduardo Gleason PGA West
Art & Gayle Schuler PGA West Fairways Assn
GeorgeAnn Goellner PGA West
Megan Manweiler Full time resident and mother
Kevin Miles Full time resident of Desert Pride
Mario Sewell Cove
James Hamilton PGA West
Michael Meany The Haciendas @ La Quinta
Kathy Smith Greg Norman PGA West
James Montgomery La Quinta CC
Cher Van Wagenen Citrus
Albert Garcia Cove
Beth Brown PGA West
Janet Mcnair Peninsula Park PGA West
Tim & Brenda McQuiggan PGA WEST
Deborah Taylor The Cove
Roy Dotto PGA West
Karen Miller Estates @ Point Happy Ranch
Jose Vega Cove
John Conroy PGA West
Karen and Larry Wayne PGAWest
Eileen Gianguzi Indian Springs Area
Howard and Monique Culver PGA West
Boyd Beghtol Desert Pride
Denise Pellegrini Homeowner, LaQuinta Cove
Rob & BJ Floersheim PGA West
Alberto Garcia 2nd generation resident - local 12 Operating engineers
Eric Stattin Owner Cabrillo Way
Beth Brown PGA West
Paul Spitzer PGA West
Mark Thorson PGA West
Lawrence Shane Greg Norman
Dobli Srinivasan MD
Janice Pratte & Dr. Larry Leong PGA West
Michael McGray PGA West
Matthew and Karen Nelson full time residents PGA West
Linda Gunnett Cove
Jeff Burda PGA West Res I
Doriel Wyler Former Commissioner for Community Service
Rodney Betsargon Desert Cove La Quinta
Tom and Sandy Baak Owner PGA West
Pamela Glasier N LaQuinta
Bobbie Fleury Trilogy at La Quinta
Paul Boysen PGA West
Tom and Sandy Lynch PGA West
Richard Mesa Rancho Ocotillo
Dr Matthew and Alice Gutowicz PGAW
Jack & Janet Foley PGA West
John Fazio PGA West
Roz Fazio PGA West
Stephen Hutton Cove
Robert Floersheim PGAW
Carrie and Rich Breeswine PGA West
Lucy Facchin Rancho Santana
Tony Santana PGA West
Cathy Condon PGA West
Stephen Beebe La Quinta
David and Lorraine Stearns PGA West
Nancy Blackmore PGA WEST STADIUM
Susan Marie Anderson 20 years @ Rancho La Quinta CC
Cynthia Gunn La Quinta Cove
Richard Mesa Rancho Ocotillo
Anna and Greg Cook PGA West
Alain Porter Gred Norman
Candice Jackson La Quinta Cove
Tony Terrazas Del Ray homes
B. Brown Highland Palms
Peter Szolcsanyi Physician Assistant
KEVIN RISO Cordorniz
Ed and Janis Milhausen Trilogy
Terry and Linda Spraker PGA WEST
Susan Vaughn Cove
Shawn Boyd PGA WEST Stadium Residential
Eugene Nathenson LaQuinta Ca
Robert Redline Trilogy La Quinta
Dianne & Allen Shackelford PGA West
Eric Bakall and Cheryl Bakall PGAWest
Linda Ferguson La Quinta Cove, CA
​Jim Montgomery La Quinta Country Club
Suzanne Kahn PGA West
Marie Birditt Resident of SRT
William Walker Fiesta Drive, La Quinta. CA. 92253
Eugene Nathenson Hacienda At LaQuinta
Michael McGray PGA West
Sherry Pollack la quinta (fiesta Drive)
Helene Le Houx Pga west
Paul Raymond Pga west
Derek and Suzanne Spinney North La Quinta
Claudia and Matt S. Homeowners in Highland Palms
Tom and Carol J La Quinta Homeowners
Robert Price La Quinta home owner
Jose Vega Cove
Mel Sornberger Bella Vista votes YES
Samantha Starr Bella Vista
Bryan Shaw Trilogy at La Quinta
Steve Cramer Griffin Ranch
Tanya Kozak Griffin Ranch
Beverly Dennis Griffin Ranch
James Beard Rancho Santana
Marybeth Beard Rancho Santana
Bruce Klink PGA West
Barbara Vince North La Quinta (old Westward Ho)
VICKI VINCE North La Quinta (old Westward Ho)
Karen Altenbach La Quinta Cove
Gilles R. and Angele S. Roy PGA West, Res 2.
Kevin Boyd PGA West
Roger Greenberg Rancho Santana
Kim Bird Cove
Mary Ann & Charles Lamb Desert Pride Community